Standard Bus Charter Offers Hawaiian Tour Group Majestic Yukon Scenery and Bone-Chilling Temperatures!
Long-serving Standard Bus driver Hubert Ruminsky recently drove a class of robotics school students from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Haines Junction as part of their trip to the Yukon. He stopped the motorcoach just outside Haines Junction to take a beautiful picture of the...
Student Transportation Expands Canadian Operations Through Major Acquisition
Wall, N.J./Calgary, AB (June 16, 2022) — Student Transportation of America/Student Transportation of Canada (STA/STC), North America’s third-largest provider of school bus transportation services, is pleased to announce it has completed its acquisition of Pacific...
Standard Bus Lines response to COVID-19
Important Notice re. Yukon and BC School Closure Announcement: BRITISH COLUMBIA: On March 17, 2020, the BC Government announced the closure of all K-12 schools, for an unspecified duration, in an effort to alleviate the spread of COVID-19. As a result, all K-12 school...